Sending a little love
Came across this in one of the mailing lists for translators and interpreters... Enjoy! Oh, btw: only one more week of school... ;-)
Came across this in one of the mailing lists for translators and interpreters... Enjoy! Oh, btw: only one more week of school... ;-)
I recently came across the youtube channel by Dana Newman of Wanted Adventure, an American living in Germany. She is very excited about living abroad and shares this enthusiasm in…
Wer sich, wie ich, auch nicht sehr viel darunter vorstellen kann, wird in diesem Video vom BDÜ/MDÜ aufgeklärt. Es ist zwar schon etwas älter, aber trotzdem informativ.
I came across this little film here by smartling. Not what I expected, but good nevertheless. Enjoy!
I just recently saw the movie "Frozen", loved the music, and then I came across this! Too funny! And proof yet again that I don't have to worry about being…
Have you ever wanted to scream because of fantastical spelling and toe-curling grammar in posts, comments, e-mails etc.? Well, here's a funny and really well-made little video about a dream…
Die Kollegen Nataly Kelly und Jost Zetzsche, die das sehr tolle Buch Found in Translation geschrieben haben, haben ein neues Projekt geplant, für das sie Übersetzer und Dolmetscher auf der…