Permanent errors
It's been too hot to think these days, so I figured some language-related fun is in order. Enjoy these tattoos...
It's been too hot to think these days, so I figured some language-related fun is in order. Enjoy these tattoos...
Regular readers of this blog will remember that I had written down some thoughts on discounts earlier this year - and that I was not in favor of them. Now,…
Gotta love this guy! If you don't know him yet, enjoy your first taste of John Green from Mental Floss!
I was on an interpreting assignment yesterday afternoon, relieving a colleague who had been working the morning shift at a conference organized by the city of N. Having worked for…
Have you ever wanted to scream because of fantastical spelling and toe-curling grammar in posts, comments, e-mails etc.? Well, here's a funny and really well-made little video about a dream…
I came across this inspirational video the other day - and found it also very applicable to translators! Enjoy! 29 WAYS TO STAY CREATIVE from TO-FU on Vimeo.
I was just out of the office for over a week (longer than originally scheduled and planned), and now faced with the task of writing this week's blog post, I…
Als freiberuflicher Übersetzer passiert es einem immer wieder: die Anfrage nach einer kostenlosen Übersetzung. Wie man am besten darauf reagiert? Hier ist eine tolle und wirklich hilfreiche Graphik: Sollte ich…
After my confession a few weeks ago – and receiving some quite encouraging responses from you, thanks again so much! –, I have received one larger and a few small…
After looking at 5 ways not to use Twitter for freelancers, I came across another very interesting and helpful post on Chris Brogan's blog: 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for…