Part I Done!

The first graduating class of the Fachakademie für Übersetze und Dolmetschen (FAK) in Weiden has finished the written exams today, part I towards becoming state-certified translators (and in some cases also interpreters).
Tuesday morning they had to complete a general translation into and from German and English (without any dictionaries and such), on Wednesday morning it was business translations (with dictionaries and glossaries), and today they had to write an essay on one of four topics (again without aids).
Now they have six weeks to prepare for the oral exams, consisting of at-sight translations into both languages and questions on business and regional and cultural knowledge of Germany, the US and Great Britain, and the interpreters then have another week until their exams (two speeches and liaison interpreting).
I’ll be involved in the at-sight parts of the oral exams and of course all the interpreting exams, together with a colleague each.

It’s my first time „on the other side“ and I have to admit, I’m a bit nervous, too. But knowing what’s expected in the real world definitely helps in finding and preparing suitable texts and speeches for them.
And until July, there is still plenty of time (and work) for both the students and us teachers.

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