Limited discounts
Regular readers of this blog will remember that I had written down some thoughts on discounts earlier this year - and that I was not in favor of them. Now,…
Regular readers of this blog will remember that I had written down some thoughts on discounts earlier this year - and that I was not in favor of them. Now,…
I came across this inspirational video the other day - and found it also very applicable to translators! Enjoy! 29 WAYS TO STAY CREATIVE from TO-FU on Vimeo.
After my confession a few weeks ago – and receiving some quite encouraging responses from you, thanks again so much! –, I have received one larger and a few small…
Ich war gestern und heute auf einem Dolmetscheinsatz in Nürnberg für eine internationale Konferenz. Wir waren zu acht, jeweils zwei Dolmetscherinnen pro Team, um die drei mal vier parallel stattfindenden…
Ich weiß ja nicht, wie es den Kolleginnen und Kollegen geht, aber mir passiert es immer wieder: Man unterhält sich mit jemandem, das Gespräch kommt auf den Beruf, und eine…
Agencies – for many translators and interpreters, it almost seems to be a dirty word, probably because of the bad experiences they had with them. I know there are many…