Well, the first week of school is done, and although I had held out hope that this year we would get our schedule early – I am an incorrigible optimist, after all – we still haven’t got one.
We made it through with emergency schedules, like every year, but also like every year, circumstances beyond the control of our department head kept throwing monkey wrenches into her almost-done schedule and we have to wait.
Nevertheless, classes did take place, and I started right into the various syllabi, especially in the classes in FAK3 who are in their final year and have less time due to the written exams taking place the beginning of May. They are also a rather large class (17 students), so getting all the required grades will be somewhat of a challenge, meaning I have to get started pretty much right away.
But despite all this adversity, I am looking forward to teaching, especially my favorite subjects, interpretation and CAT tools.
I am also trying to continuously improve particularly those two subjects, making them more fun and more up-to-date regarding the «real world» in order to prepare my students the best I can for life after school. I am also going to try to get some of the other teachers more involved, connecting different subjects like translation and CAT tools (which will require some instruction on my part), and I am confident it’ll work at least in some cases and give the students more opportunities to actually apply what they are being taught.
So hopefully, we’ll have a schedule by Monday and are able to really get started, but more importantly, I hope for a good school year ahead, both for us teachers and for the students!