Lee más sobre el artículo How one little word can make you exceedingly happy
Happy puppy dog smiling on isolated yellow background.

How one little word can make you exceedingly happy

If you've been following me for a while, you probably know by now that I not only translate and interpret, but also teach and train (not only) future translators and…

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Lee más sobre el artículo Anglizismus des Jahres 2020
Words alphabets in scettered wood letters on the table with glowing light bulb as communication idea or words have power concept

Anglizismus des Jahres 2020

Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit habe ich über ein deutsches Wort geschrieben, das es in die Liste der Top 10 Wörter des Jahres des amerikanischen Wörterbuchverlags Merriam-Webster Inc. geschafft hat…

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Lee más sobre el artículo New ID
Black smartphone on white table

New ID

Finally! After what felt like an eternity, my new BDÜ ID has arrived. And the wait was well worth it, I'd say. Not only is the photo a marked improvement…

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It’s not too late!

The incredible, awesome, information-packed, fun... (I could go on and on with the positive adjectives here) Innovations in Interpreting Summit 2021 might be over - and that is sad, but…

Continuar leyendoIt’s not too late!