101 things a translator needs to know – #1
Translators don't translate words - they translate meaning Machines and dictionaries translate words. But it takes a thinking, reasoning human being to translate what words mean. Consider how you would…
Translators don't translate words - they translate meaning Machines and dictionaries translate words. But it takes a thinking, reasoning human being to translate what words mean. Consider how you would…
The more you know, the harder it gets, until suddenly... Once you begin to really understand your source language, you gradually become aware of its subtleties. That's when you start…
I have recently posted about the rosy future for translators, despite the recent rise of no-longer-quite-as-terrible-gibberish-producing machine translation, and at the SDL Roadshow I attended this week in Munich, the…
In Germany, we enjoy a long weekend on Easter, because both Good Friday and Easter Monday are holidays here - which means no work! And I for one have been…
Continuing with last week's topic, here's another interesting article on the connection between language and music, more specifically, on how singing makes learning a foreign language easier: Singing in a…
Since I started teaching interpretation, I have had to think a lot about what it means to be an interpreter, what knowledge, skills and also talent are required, and how…
Have you ever wanted to scream because of fantastical spelling and toe-curling grammar in posts, comments, e-mails etc.? Well, here's a funny and really well-made little video about a dream…
The great BDÜ video comparing the translations of a real flesh-and-blood translator with the results by Google Translate I wrote about here is now also available in English:
Reading Nataly Kelly's article "The Words We Use to Describe Ourselves" published in the October issue of the ATA Chronicle, I came across the neologism "interpretator", a hybrid of the…
Wie gut ist Google Translate wirklich? Vor Kurzem hat der BDÜ es einmal ausprobiert: Ein "echter" Übersetzer aus Fleisch und Blut im Vergleich mit der v.a. unter Laien so hoch…