How to judge the quality of your translation
Since I'm on a mini-vacation again this week, here's an excerpt from an excellent post from the myGengo blog on how to judge the quality of a translation: Before submitting…
Since I'm on a mini-vacation again this week, here's an excerpt from an excellent post from the myGengo blog on how to judge the quality of a translation: Before submitting…
Die Kollegen Nataly Kelly und Jost Zetzsche, die das sehr tolle Buch Found in Translation geschrieben haben, haben ein neues Projekt geplant, für das sie Übersetzer und Dolmetscher auf der…
Observant people may have noticed that something else changed regarding my desk other than the desk itself. Together with my new desk, I also introduced monitor stands. I had realized…
I recently came across some really interesting sites with people promoting walking while you work?! Yes, you read that right. There are people (and by now also clever companies catering…
Inspired by the recent Labor Day (May 1), I thought I'd share with you why I am a freelancer and why I do not want to be employed. Let me…
Als ich neulich endlich mal wieder dazu kam im MDÜ, der Fachzeitschrift für Dolmetscher und Übersetzer, die mein Berufsverband heraus gibt, zu lesen, stieß ich auf einen Artikel von Ramón…
... your shoulders won't straighten anymore because you've been in a hunched-over position for so long ... your jaw starts hurting because you yawn so much ... your eyes start…
Last Saturday, the Nuremberg regional group of my professional association, of which I am the co-leader, organized a presentation of various CAT tools (Computer-Assisted or Computer-Aided Translation tools) in order…
My office is closed for a few days over Easter, so I'm taking the easy way out this week by sharing a great article by Debbie Swanson on the Freelance…
Das Thema Vorsorge scheint zur Zeit in aller Munde zu sein. Ob das vielleicht etwas mit der Idee von Ministerin von der Leyen, eine verpflichtende Altersvorsorge für Selbstständige einzuführen, zu…