Translation – Getting it Right
For non-linguists, buying translations is often a source of frustration. In order to spare you this frustration, I am offering you this guide to get it right, which has been published by a group of translator and interpreter associations.
It deals with questions that should be answered before ordering a translation and advice that is worth following:
- Does it really need to be translated?
- A picture is worth a thousand words
- Think international from the start
- How much will it cost?
- How important is style?
- Resist the temptation to do it yourself
- Finalise your text before starting the translation
- What about machine translation?
- Tell the translator what it’s for
- Teachers & academics: at your peril
- Professional translators work into their native language
- What language do your readers speak?
- An inquisitive translator is good news
- The more technical your subject, the more important it is that your translators know it inside out
- The home stretch: have typeset copy proofread by your translator
- Typographical conventions vary from one language to the next
- Translators and bilinguals: look closer
- “Technical terms pose few translation problems” A widely-held myth.
- Choosing a supplier
- Get involved
Taken from: Translation getting it right – A guide to buying translations by Chris Durban